Web scraping is a process of automatically extracting large amounts of data from the web. But it's much more than using some CSS selectors. We summarized years of expertise in this guide.
With all these new tricks and ideas, you'll be able to scrape data reliably, faster, and more performant. And get some extra fields that you thought weren't present.
For the code to work, you'll need Python3 installed. Some systems have it pre-installed. After that, install all the necessary libraries by running pip install
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 pandas
Getting the HTML from a URL is easy with the requests library. Then pass the content to BeautifulSoup, and we can start getting data and querying with selectors. We won't go into much detail. In short, you can use CSS selectors to get page elements and content. Some require a different syntax, but we'll discover that later.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response = requests.get("https://zenrows.com")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
print(soup.title.string) # Web Scraping API & Data Extraction - ZenRows
To avoid requesting the HTML every time, we can store it in an HTML file and load BeautifulSoup from there. For a simple demo, we can do this manually. An easy way to do that is to view the page source and copy and paste it into a file. It's essential to visit the page without being logged in, as a crawler would do.
Getting the HTML in here might look like a simple task, but nothing further from the truth. We won't cover it in this blog post, but it deserves a complete guide. Our advice is to use this static approach since many websites will redirect you to a login page after a few requests. Some others will show a CAPTCHA, and your IP will get banned in the worst-case scenario.
with open("test.html") as fp:
soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, "html.parser")
print(soup.title.string) # Web Scraping API & Data Extraction - ZenRows
Once we load statically from a file, we can test it as many times as possible without any networking or blocking problems.
Explore Before Coding
Before we start coding, we have to understand the page's content and structure. For that, the easier way we know is to inspect the target page using a browser. We'll use Chrome's DevTools, but other browsers have similar tools.
For example, we can open any product page on Amazon, and a quick look will show us the product's name, price, availability, and many other fields. Before copying all those selectors, we recommend taking a couple of minutes to look for hidden inputs, metadata, and network requests.
Beware of doing this with Chrome DevTools or similar means. You'll see the content once the JavaScript and network requests have (maybe) modified it. It's tiresome, but sometimes we must explore the original HTML to avoid running JavaScript. We won't need to run a headless browser, i.e., Puppeteer, if we find everything, saving time and memory consumption.
Disclaimer: we won't include the URL request in the code snippets for every example. They all look like the first one. And remember, store an HTML file locally if you're going to test it several times.
Hidden Inputs
Hidden inputs allow developers to include input fields that end-users can't see or modify. Many forms use these to include internal IDs or security tokens.
In Amazon products, we can see that there are many more. Some will be available in other places or formats, but sometimes they're unique. Either way, hidden inputs' names tend to be more stable than classes.
While some content is visible via UI, it might be easier to extract using metadata. You can get the view count in numeric format and the publish date in YYYY-mm-dd
format in a YouTube video. Those two can be obtained with means from the visible part, but there is no need. Spending a few minutes doing these techniques pays off.
interactionCount = soup.find('meta', itemprop='interactionCount')
print(interactionCount['content']) # 8566042
datePublished = soup.find('meta', itemprop='datePublished')
print(datePublished['content']) # 2014-01-09
XHR Requests
Some other websites decide to load an empty template and bring all the data via XHR requests. In those cases, checking just the original HTML won't be enough. We need to inspect the networking, specifically the XHR requests.
That's the case for Auction. Fill the form with any city and search. That will redirect you to a results page with a skeleton page while it performs some queries for the city you entered.
That forces us to use a headless browser that can execute JavaScript and intercept network requests, but we'll see its upsides also. Sometimes you can call the XHR endpoint directly, but they usually require cookies or other authentication methods. Or they can instantly ban you since that isn't a regular user path. Be careful.
We struck gold. Take another look at the image.
All the data you can have, already clean and formatted, is ready to be extracted. And then some more. Geolocation, internal IDs, numerical price with no format, year built, etc.
Recipes and Tricks to Extract Reliable Content
Set aside your urges for a second. Getting everything with CSS selectors is an option, but there are many more. Take a look at all these, and then think again before using selectors directly. We're not saying those are bad, and ours are great. Don't get us wrong.
We're trying to give you more tools and ideas. Then it'll be your decision every time.
Getting Internal Links
Now, we'll start using BeautifulSoup to get meaningful content. This library allows us to get content by IDs, classes, pseudo-selectors, and many more. We'll only cover a small subset of its capabilities.
This example will extract all the internal links from the page. For simplicity's sake, only links starting with a slash will be considered internal. In a complete case, we should check the domain and subdomains.
internalLinks = [
a.get('href') for a in soup.find_all('a')
if a.get('href') and a.get('href').startswith('/')]
Once we have all those links, we could deduplicate and queue them for future scraping. By doing it, we would be building a whole Python website crawler, not just one page. Since that is an entirely different problem, we wanted to mention it and prepare a blog post to handle its usage and scalability. The number of pages to crawl can snowball.
Just a note of caution: be prudent while running this automatically. You can get hundreds of links in a few seconds, which would result in too many requests to the same site. If not handled carefully, CAPTCHAs or bans will probably apply.
Extracting Social Links and Emails
Another common scraping task is to extract social links and emails. There is no exact definition for "social links," so we'll obtain them based on domain. As for emails, there are two options: "mailto" links and checking the whole text.
We'll use a scraping test site for this demo.
This first snippet will get all the links, similar to the previous one. Then loop over all of them, checking if any social domains or "mailto" are present. In that case, add that URL to the list and finally print it.
links = [a.get('href') for a in soup.find_all('a')]
to_extract = ['facebook.com', 'twitter.com', 'mailto:']
social_links = []
for link in links:
for social in to_extract:
if link and social in link:
# ['mailto:****@webscraper.io',
# 'https://www.facebook.com/webscraperio/',
# 'https://twitter.com/webscraperio']
This second one is a bit more tricky if you're not familiar with regular expressions. In short, they'll try to match any text given a search pattern.
In this case, it'll try to match some characters (mainly letters and numbers), followed by [@], then again characters, the domain [dot], and finally two to four characters: Internet top-level domains or TLD. It'll find, for example, [email protected]
Note that this RegEx isn't a complete one because it won't match composed TLDs such as co.uk
We can run this expression in the entire content (HTML) or just the text. We use the HTML for completion, although we'll duplicate the email since it's shown in the text and an href.
emails = re.findall(
print(emails) # ['****@webscraper.io', '****@webscraper.io']
Parse Tables Automatically
HTML tables have been around forever, but they're still in use for displaying tabular content. We can take advantage of that since they're usually structured and well-formatted.
Using Wikipedia's list of best-selling albums as an example, we'll extract all the values to an array and a pandas DataFrame. It's a simple example, but you should manipulate all the data as if it came from a dataset.
We start by finding a table and looping through all the rows ("tr"). For each of them, find cells ("td" or "th"). The following lines will remove notes and collapsible content from Wikipedia tables, which isn't strictly necessary. Then, append the cell's stripped text to the row and the row to the final output. Print the result to check that everything looks fine.
table = soup.find('table', class_='sortable')
output = []
for row in table.findAll('tr'):
new_row = []
for cell in row.findAll(['td', 'th']):
for sup in cell.findAll('sup'):
for collapsible in cell.findAll(
# [
# ['Artist', 'Album', 'Released', ...],
# ['Michael Jackson', 'Thriller', '1982', ...]
# ]
Another way is to use pandas
and import the HTML directly, as shown below. It'll handle everything for us: the first line will match the headers, and the rest will be inserted as content with the right type. read_html
returns an array, so we take the first item and then remove a column that has no content.
Once into a DataFrame, we could do any operation, like ordering by sales, since pandas converted some columns to numbers. Or sum all the claim sales. Not truly useful here, but you get the idea.
import pandas as pd
table_df = pd.read_html(str(table))[0]
table_df = table_df.drop('Ref(s)', 1)
print(table_df.columns) # ['Artist', 'Album', 'Released' ...
print(table_df.dtypes) # ... Released int64 ...
print(table_df['Claimed sales*'].sum()) # 422
# Artist Pink Floyd
# Album The Dark Side of the Moon
# Released 1973
# Genre Progressive rock
# Total certified copies... 24.4
# Claimed sales* 45
Extract from Metadata Instead of HTML
As seen before, there are ways to get essential data without relying on visual content. Let's see an example using Netflix's The Witcher. We'll try to get the actors. Easy, right? A one-liner will do.
actors = soup.find(class_='item-starring').find(
# ['Henry Cavill', 'Anya Chalotra', 'Freya Allan']
What if we told you that there are fourteen actors and actresses? Will you try to get 'em all? Don't scroll further if you want to try it by yourself.
Nothing yet? Remember, there's more than meets the eye. You know three of them; search for those in the original HTML. To be honest, there's another place down below that shows the whole cast, but try to avoid it.
Netflix includes a Schema.org snippet with the actor and actress list and many other data. As with the YouTube example, sometimes, using this approach is more convenient. Dates, for example, are usually displayed in a "machine-like" format, which is more helpful while scraping.
import json
ldJson = soup.find('script', type='application/ld+json')
parsedJson = json.loads(ldJson.contents[0])
print([actor['name'] for actor in parsedJson['actors']])
# [... 'Jodhi May', 'MyAnna Buring', 'Joey Batey' ...]
Hidden E-commerce Product Information
Combining some of the techniques already seen, we aim to extract product information that isn't visible. Our first example is Shopify e-commerce, Spigen.
Take a look on your own first if you want.
Hint: look for the brand 🤐.
We'll be able to extract it reliably, not from the product name nor the breadcrumbs, since we can't say if they're always related.
Did you find them? In this case, they use "itemprop" and include Product and Offer from schema.org. We could probably tell if a product is in stock by looking at the form or the "Add to cart" button. But there is no need; we can trust itemprop="availability"
. As for the brand, the same snippet as the one used for YouTube but changing the property name to "brand."
brand = soup.find('meta', itemprop='brand')
print(brand['content']) # Tesla
Another Shopify example: nomz. We want to extract the rating count and average, accessible in the HTML but somewhat hidden. The average rating is hidden from view using CSS.
There's a screen reader-only tag with the average and the count near it. Those two include text, not a big deal. But we know we can do better.
It's an easy one if you inspect the source. The Product schema will be the first thing you see. Applying the same knowledge from the Netflix example, get the first "ld+json" block, parse the JSON, and all the content will be available!
import json
ldJson = soup.find("script", type="application/ld+json")
parsedJson = json.loads(ldJson.contents[0])
print(parsedJson["aggregateRating"]["ratingValue"]) # 4.9
print(parsedJson["aggregateRating"]["reviewCount"]) # 57
print(parsedJson["weight"]) # 0.492kg -> extra, not visible in UI
Last but not least, we'll take advantage of data attributes, which are also common in e-commerce. While inspecting Marucci Sports Wood Bats, we can see that every product has several data points that will come in handy. Price in numeric format, ID, product name, and category. There, we have all the data we might need.
products = []
cards = soup.find_all(class_='card')
for card in cards:
'id': card.get('data-entity-id'),
'name': card.get('data-name'),
'category': card.get('data-product-category'),
'price': card.get('data-product-price')
# [
# {
# 'category': 'Wood Bats, Wood Bats/Professional Cuts',
# 'id': '1945',
# 'name': '6 Bat USA Professional Cut Bundle',
# 'price': '579.99'
# },
# {
# 'category': 'Wood Bats, Wood Bats/Pro Model',
# 'id': '1804',
# 'name': 'M-71 Pro Model',
# 'price': '159.99'
# },
# ...
# ]
Remaining Obstacles
All right! You got all the data from that page. Now you have to replicate it to a second and then a third. Scale is important. And so it's not getting banned.
But you also have to convert this data and store it: CSV files or databases, whatever you need. Nested fields aren't easy to export to any of those formats.
We already took enough of your time. Take in all this new information, and use it in your everyday work. Meanwhile, we'll be working on the following guides to overcoming all these obstacles!
We'd like you to go with three lessons:
- CSS selectors are good, but there are other options.
- Some content is hidden or not present but accessible via metadata.
- Try to avoid loading JavaScript and headless browsers to boost performance.
Each of these has upsides and downsides, different approaches, and many, many alternatives. Writing a complete guide would be, well, a long book, not a blog post.
Contact us if you know any more website scraping tricks or have doubts about applying them.
Remember, we covered scraping, but there is much more: crawling, avoiding being blocked, converting and storing the content, scaling the infrastructure, and more. Stay tuned!
Don't forget to take a look at the rest of the posts in this series.
- From Zero to Hero (1/4)
- Avoid Detection Like a Ninja (2/4)
- Crawling from Scratch (3/4)
- Scaling to Distributed Crawling (4/4)