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Spain Cars

High-quality, free Car Dataset from Spain in CSV format with +40.000 records

Spain Cars Dataset

High-quality, free car dataset from Spain, in CSV format. Records extracted from one of the largest European marketplaces - cars registered between 2011 and 2021. We are working on complete datasets from a wide variety of countries. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

  • +40.000 records
  • Spain
  • CSV
  • Cars
  • Collected on 16/Jul/2021
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Some of the listings of the dataset include

price mileage power make_model date fuel gear offer_type
58900 4100 190 BMW 420 03/2021 Diesel Automatic Demonstration
69395 17368 401 Mercedes-Benz E 43 AMG 01/2018 Gasoline Automatic Used
29300 4 150 Nissan X-Trail 12/2020 Diesel Manual Pre-registered
12500 36000 136 Toyota Prius 10/2014 Electric/Gasoline Automatic Used
12500 81335 110 Opel Astra 12/2018 Diesel Manual Used

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