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JavaScript vs Python for Web Scraping: Which Is Best?

March 5, 2024 · 8 min read

Are you getting started with web scraping and want to know the best programming language between Python and JavaScript? The choice between both languages depends on your project requirements and knowledge.

In this article, you'll learn the differences between scraping with Python and JavaScript.

Web Scraping with JavaScript or Python: Which One You Should Use?

Python is the most popular programming language for web scraping. It's versatile, beginner-friendly, and features many libraries for sending HTTP requests, parsing HTML, analyzing data, scraping content, and automating the browser. 

Like Python, JavaScript features various web scraping tools and libraries. Its native support for web browsers and asynchronous actions make it excel in real-time data extraction and concurrent web scraping. However, JavaScript has a steeper learning curve than Python and is less suitable for data analysis.

Web scraping with JavaScript is better if dealing with dynamic content, and you prefer speed over versatility. Choose Python for web scraping if you value simplicity over speed. Its powerful web scraping tools, extensive data extraction, and analytics capabilities make it ideal for web scraping.

JavaScript vs Python Comparison for Web Scraping

Before moving on, see an overview comparison of both tools in the table below.

Consideration Python JavaScript
Ease of use Beginner-friendly, with a simple learning curve Steeper learning curve and less beginner-friendly
Popular scraping libraries Scrapy, BeautifulSoup, urllib3, lxml, Selenium, Playwright, Requests Cheerio, Puppeteer, Selenium, jsdom, Axios
JavaScript rendering libraries Selenium, Playwright Selenium, jsdom, Puppeteer
Data processing and analysis Suitable for data cleaning and analysis Not suitable for data processing and analysis
Scalability Scalable Scalable
Community support Good community support, the most popular for web scraping Good community support. It's not as popular as Python for web scraping
Concurrency No native support for concurrency Native support for concurrency

Want to dive into more detailed comparisons? Keep learning in the next sections.

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Python Is Easier to Use

Python's syntaxes are more concise and readable, making it more beginner-friendly than JavaScript. Its support for object-oriented programming and faster development time make it preferable to JavaScript for web scraping.

NodeJS is Better at Rendering JavaScript-Based Content

JavaScript is better than Python for extracting dynamically loaded content because it's the language that powers client-side rendering. NodeJS has libraries like Puppeteer for dynamic scraping, and implementation is straightforward since you're within the same JavaScript environment.

Although you can achieve dynamic content scraping in Python headless browsers like Selenium, it can get complicated in edge cases.

Python Excels at Data Analysis and Manipulation

Python's support for data analysis tools like Pandas and Numpy makes it the best choice for manipulating data as you scrape it, shortening the overall development time. 

JavaScript has limited support for data manipulation. Even if using JavaScript for web scraping, you might still need to pass the extracted content to Python for complex cleaning and manipulation, which is time-consuming.

For instance, saving the extracted data into CSV, renaming each column, and dealing with empty rows is straightforward with Python’s Scrapy and Pandas.

JavaScript Has More Asynchronous Capabilities

JavaScript's native support for asynchronous actions puts it ahead of Python in performance and speed. You can even leverage this feature to run scraping tasks concurrently.

Although you can achieve asynchronous behavior in Python, JavaScript's event-driven model and support for async/await make handling asynchronous tasks easier. 

Python's Scrapy can handle asynchronous scraping out of the box. But this is still an external library and isn't as performant as JavaScript.

Python Offers Rich Libraries for Web Scraping

Python has feature-rich libraries that make web scraping easy. For instance, a web scraping library like Python's Scrapy has features dedicated to web crawling, content extraction, and data handling.

While JavaScript has web scraping libraries like Cheerio and Puppeteer, their implementation isn't as straightforward as Python's dedicated libraries.  

They Both Have Large Communities

JavaScript and Python top the list of the most used programming languages. According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most admired programming language, followed by Python. It means both tools have adequate resources that can help you solve problems quickly.

However, Python is still the most popular programming language for web scraping because it has more dedicated libraries that let you extract large chunks of data with fewer code lines.


In this article, you've seen a comparison of the scraping capabilities of Python and JavaScript. You've learned that Python is easier to use than JavaScript, and it makes web scraping simpler with dedicated web scraping libraries and data manipulation tools. JavaScript excels in dynamic content scraping and concurrent data extraction.

Regardless of the programming language you use for scraping, many websites employ various anti-bot mechanisms to block data extraction. ZenRows is an all-in-one scrapping solution for bypassing these blocks, allowing you to scrape any web page without limitations. Try ZenRows for free!

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