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Zillow Scraper

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updated 11 days ago

Scrape Zillow real estate data easily. Homes for sale or rent with publicly available data and more hidden content like Zestimate - only visible on the property detail view. Download data as CSV, one JSON file, or one JSON file per URL.

Extract millions of properties all around the US, full of details. Get anything between price, area, seller or, latitude and longitude.

Looking for investment opportunities or real estate datasets? We provide an excellent no-code solution for you. As easy as entering URLs and get back thousands of data points in seconds.

Signup for free, and we'll automatically generate a dataset with 200 houses in CSV format freshly collected.

The inputThe output
Zillow screenshot

All CSVs will use comma as a field separator and quote (") as string delimiter. They will also always include headers.
JSON files will be arrays - for single files - and objects for JSON files generated per URL.


Will output property's price, geolocation, complete address, bedrooms, area, and many more.
Below are examples for JSON and CSV formats. Take into account that the table is shortened for space reasons. It contains all the columns that appear on the JSON example.

JSON output

Try example URL with ZenRows


Will output similar data as the listing plus favorite and view counts, year built, and others.
Below are examples for JSON and CSV formats. Take into account that the table is shortened for space reasons. It contains all the columns that appear on the JSON example.

JSON output

Try example URL with ZenRows

Zillow Scraper API

Developers may want complete control over our API to integrate with libraries and backend systems easily. We provide a language-agnostic API to help you programmatically take advantage of ZenRows functionality.


Zillow works with standard rotating proxies. Although if performance and success ratio is critical, we recommend using residential proxies.

Basic Stats

A listing in CSV format will be ~500 bytes and ~1.5kB in JSON. Since there are usually 30 listings per page, that would be around 15kB and 45kB per URL.

For 20 pages collected with 30 listings each - Zillow limits pagination - total files sizes would be around 300kB for CSV and 900kB for JSON.

For individual properties, the size will vary depending on the description's length. In CSV format, they will be around ~1.2kB and 2kB in JSON.

How to Build an Zillow Scraper?

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