ZenRows will bypass the reCAPTCHA CAPTCHAs for you, including all its versions and subtypes: reCAPTCHA V2 (interactive, checkbox, and invisible), reCAPTCHA V3 (invisible JavaScript challenge), and reCAPTCHA Enterprise. Our tool uses AI and a free-of-charge retry approach.
Sign up to ZenRows to get your free API key and 1,000 API credits immediately.
Step 2: Make Your reCAPTCHA Bypass Request
After signing up, you'll get to the Request Builder. To try it out, enter your target URL, activate the JS Rendering boost mode for automatic AI Anti-bot bypass, add Premium Proxies, and select your favorite language. Then, click on "Try it".
If your language doesn't appear, you can use the cURL option to perform requests.
Did it work? Retry your request if needed, which will be enough in 99.7% of the cases. For the rest, go to Settings → Integrations to pass the request to a human.
Step 3: Scrape all CAPTCHA-protected pages
Copy and integrate the generated code into your codebase to scrape more pages.
Bypass CAPTCHAs with any programming language
ZenRows works with all programming languages including: Python, JavaScript, PHP, C++, Java, C#, Go.
“ZenRows' anti-bot toolkit freaks me out. We scrape every site on the internet and have saved hundreds of developing hours.“
James Parker
Engineer @Skyscanner
About reCaptcha
reCAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA service owned and developed by Google to protect websites against bot access. It uses advanced detection techniques to verify human interactions and spins a puzzle once it discovers unusual traffic from automated scripts like web scrapers. This makes reCAPTCHA-protected content highly challenging to access and extract. Google has developed three versions with different protection levels. They include reCAPTCHA V2, reCAPTCHA V3, and reCAPTCHA Enterprise, and you can encounter any of them during web scraping.
How reCAPTCHA Works
reCAPTCHA uses advanced risk analysis and intuitive challenges to differentiate between how a genuine user and a bot navigate a web page. This includes using machine learning algorithms to classify requests into risk levels. Once reCAPTCHA detects a high-risk interaction on a page, it spins up a visible CAPTCHA or an invisible challenge you must solve before accessing the content you need. Web scraping bots usually have a high-risk score, so reCAPTCHA detects and blocks them easily.
Detection Techniques used by reCaptcha
reCAPTCHA uses metrics like user behavior, network analysis, and request frequency to detect bot activities. Advanced versions like reCAPTCHA V3 and reCAPTCHA Enterprise combine this with a risk-based machine learning model to give a bot score.
When reCAPTCHA flags your request as a bot, you might get a blocking CAPTCHA prompting you to identify specific images or click a verification checkbox before it allows you access to the target web page. In advanced cases, it triggers an invisible challenge to identify and block automation scripts from accessing the target content during web scraping.
reCaptcha: Types of CAPTCHAs
The reCAPTCHA CAPTCHA can be visible or invisible, depending on the risk level and the version used by the target website. The visible type is usually an intuitive picture puzzle you must solve before accessing a target web page. It can also be the infamous “I am not a bot” box that requires clicking a checkbox for verification.
reCAPTCHA V3 and reCAPTCHA Enterprise don't throw an interactive CAPTCHA but use an invisible challenge to prevent bot activities. Regardless, reCAPTCHA is difficult for bots to solve and will obstruct your web scraper.
The reCAPTCHA CAPTCHA can come up at any point during web scraping if you don't solve it, blocking you from accessing the required data during web scraping.
An easy way to solve reCAPTCHA's CAPTCHAs is to integrate your web scraper with ZenRows and scrape any web page without limitations.
How to Bypass reCaptcha CAPTCHAs
The reCAPTCHA CAPTCHA has different versions with varying protection levels, and you can't tell what version you're dealing with at a particular time.
An easy solution to bypass the reCAPTCHA CAPTCHAs, regardless of the difficulty level and version, is to use ZenRows, the most popular bypass tool compatible with any programming language.