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Scrapy vs BeautifulSoup: Which Is Better For You?

January 9, 2024 ยท 4 min read

Are you weighing your options between Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup for web scraping? Their similarities can be confusing, but each has specific use cases.

In this article, we'll analyze the similarities and differences between Scrapy and BeautifulSoup.

Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup: Which Is Best?

Scrapy is a Python web scraping and crawling framework that can make HTTP requests to a web page, parse it, and extract data from it. It features all the tools for collecting and organizing data.

BeautifulSoup is a parsing library in Python for extracting data from HTML and XML documents. Unlike Scrapy, it relies on external HTTP clients to send requests.ย ย 

Choose BeautifulSoup for a simple way to scrape static HTML content from a web page quickly. Scrapy is ideal for large-scale web scraping that requires extracting content from multiple web pages.

Overview: Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup

Here's a table to overview the comparison between Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup.

Feature Scrapy BeautifulSoup
Language Python Python
Ease of Use Requires extra setup Easy to use
Speed Fair Fast
Memory Usage Fair Memory-efficient
Parsing Methods Built on Parsel library. CSS and XPath selectors Tag-based, XPath with lxml parser, DOM tree navigation
Data Export Built-in via settings feed, CSV, JSON, XML Relies on external libraries like Pandas
HTTP Request Yes No
JS Rendering Scrapy Splash BeautifulSoup with Selenium
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Now, let's dive deeper into the similarities and differences between Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup.

Similarities Between Scrapy and BeautifulSoup

The comparison of BeautifulSoup vs. Scrapy isn't complete without considering their similarities. Let's see what they share in common.

Both Parse HTML and Beyond

Scrapy and BeautifulSoup go through a similar parsing cycle. Both tools parse web pages as HTML or XML documents, read their elements, and extract the required data from target elements.ย 

Many Integrations Available

The functionalities of BeautifiulSoup and Scrapy are extensible with extra integrations.ย 

Both tools support third-party Python libraries for HTTP requests, JavaScript rendering, data storage, data processing and export, and authentication handling.

Great Parsing Performance

Scrapy and BeautifulSoup are known for their efficient performance. However, BeautifulSoup is a bit faster, considering it's lighter than Scrapy.

We did a 100-iteration performance benchmark to compare the content extraction speed of Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup and computed the average time.ย 

It took Scrapy 6.42 seconds to scrape the target content. As expected, BeautifulSoup was faster at 3.47 seconds.

See the graphical result below.

Scrapy vs Selenium: Speed Benchmark
Click to open the image in full screen

Active Community Support

Scrapy and BeautifulSoup have active community support, and you'll find many online discussions about each tool to solve problems quickly.

BeautifulSoup is more popular than Scrapy, with approximately 710k users, while Scrapy only has 40.4k users. But this is a fair share considering BeautifulSoup's simplicity and Scrapy's usage in more complex scenarios.ย 

Main Differences: Scrapy and BeautifulSoup

Although they share some similarities, let's consider the attribute that sets Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup apart.

Scrapy as a Full Scraping Framework, BeautifulSoup for Parsing

Scrapy is a full-fledged web scraping framework with all the essential web scraping and crawling tools. BeautifulSoup is only a parser library for navigating and collecting content from HTML and XML documents.ย 

Scrapy Is Better for Large-Scale Crawling

Scrapy's asynchronous design allows it to scrape multiple pages concurrently. So, it's suitable for medium to large-scale web crawling and data extraction.ย 

BeautifulSoup lacks web crawling ability and best suits smaller and focused scraping tasks.

Scrapy Packs More Features, BeautifulSoup Stays Focused

BeautifulSoup is only an HTML and XML parser that makes it easy to extract data from web pages. It relies on third-party tools for extra functionalities like requests, crawling, and data handling.

Scrapy packs many built-in features for sending requests, parsing, crawling, collecting, and organizing data. This eliminates over-reliance on third-party tools.

BeautifulSoup Is Easier to Learn Than Scrapy

BeautifulSoup wins in terms of implementation simplicity and smooth learning curve. Unlike Scrapy, it doesn't require extra project setup besides library installation.ย 

Scrapy has a more sophisticated design with extra setup steps and many configurable parts, making it hard for beginner scrapers.

Scrapy Review

Scrapy is a fast, full-featured, and extensible web scraping and crawling framework. Web scraping with Scrapy offers a well-structured approach to sending requests, following links, and managing data pipelines.

๐Ÿ‘ Pros of Scrapy:

  • Perfect for large-scale web scraping.
  • Highly extensible with third-party plugins and JavaScript rendering tools like Scrapy Splash.
  • Efficient web crawling capabilities.
  • Supports proxy and user agent rotation.
  • Integrates with Web scraping APIs to avoid anti-bot detection.
  • Built-in HTTP client is available.
  • Provides a more comprehensive framework with all essential tools for scraping.
  • Supports concurrency and request scheduling.
  • Support for XPath and CSS selectors eases element location.
  • Strong community.
  • Actively developed.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons of Scrapy:

  • Initial setup and command line tools might be challenging for beginners.
  • Steeper learning curve.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Best Use Cases for Scrapy:

  • Large-scale web scraping.
  • Web crawling.
  • Website monitoring for SEO analysis.
  • Price monitoring.
  • Consumer behavior analysis.
  • Collection of social media sentiments.

BeautifulSoup Review

BeautifulSoup is an HTML and XML parser library that converts a web page into a parse tree, making content extraction easier during Python web scraping.

๐Ÿ‘ Pros of BeautifulSoup:

  • Easy learning curve.
  • Doesn't require extra setup.
  • Extensible with third-party frameworks and tools like Selenium.
  • Perfect for light data extraction.
  • Integrates well with web scraping APIs to bypass anti-bots.
  • Supports request header and proxy rotation.
  • Highly memory efficient.
  • Parse tree navigation enhances precise scraping.
  • Reliance on external HTTP clients makes requests more customizable.
  • Built-in HTML prettifier.ย 
  • Strong community.
  • Actively developed.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons of BeautifulSoup:

  • No built-in crawling feature.
  • Cannot handle large-scale web scraping tasks.
  • No built-in support for concurrency.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Best Use Cases for BeautifulSoup:

  • Small-scale web scraping.
  • Price monitoring.
  • Formatting of web page HTML.

Best Choice to Avoid Getting Blocked While Scraping

Your scraper needs to avoid anti-bot detection to scrape all the data you want. BeautifulSoup and Scrapy offer solutions to avoid getting blocked during scraping.

For instance, employing various JavaScript middleware in Scrapy can add a human touch to your scraper and prevent anti-bot detection. Another way to avoid detection is to route Scrapy through a proxy.ย 

BeautifulSoup also supports proxy and header customization to prevent anti-bot detection.

However, the straightforward solution to avoid getting blocked is to use a web scraping API like ZenRows.ย ZenRows integrates perfectly with Scrapy, allowing you to scrape any website without getting blocked. Try ZenRows for free!


The choice between Scrapy vs. BeautifulSoup depends on your scraping goal. Both tools have similarities and differences. While BeautifulSoup focuses on parsing and has an easier learning curve, Scrapy is superior in versatility and scalability and is more suitable for large-scale web scraping.

With that said, extracting the data you need isn't often the problem, but getting blocked while scraping is. That's why a solution like ZenRows exists to help you bypass blocks and scrape any website. Try ZenRows for free today!

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